Rolling Down the River
If you write stories, or tell
stories, you know there is more than one character… if there is a good guy
there has to be a bad guy… to oversimplify it.
But in most good stories there are
many characters, and some of them are really unexpected. As an aside, you don’t
have to be alive to be a character… ever read Huckleberry Finn… It is the story
of a boy, a runaway slave, and a raft… the raft is as much a character of the
story as Huck.
Moby Dick is as much about a whale
as a sailor…
A more modern example would come
from the movie Titanic… sure, there are the main and supporting actors and
actresses…. But one of the characters, with its own personality and storyline,
is a giant boat… the Titanic.
I’m just trying to say that
sometimes we see the story from only one side… we don’t take the time to think
about what it all means from the point of view of the minor characters, or the
We have been talking about
Disciples, about Apostles, about Followers of Jesus, be they the more famous
like Peter and Paul, or the less known, like Dorcas… But throughout our
storytelling we have not focused on the other side, on the crowds, on the people
who were watching this all unfold before their very eyes.
What would it have been like to see
the world through the eyes of a Jew in Palestine, or through the eyes of a
Roman Gentile living in a foreign country, when there was a religious movement
taking over… what would you notice first? What would draw your attention? What
would it mean?
With the Kids
Passing Love (pennies) even the smallest thing can make a
Fleshing Out the Pennies
One of the things that really got
to people, and we cannot stress this enough, was Jesus’ message of love. Think
of it this way, these people all went to church every day… whether they were
Jew or Greek, Roman or Babylonian… and the main thing that they heard said over
and over is… God is with you.
God loves Romans, God will help us conquer
the world, God is Roman… God loves Jews, God rescued us from Egypt, God will
rescue us again… The Gods love Greeks, the Gods have always been with us….
You get the idea… Religion was just
like human nature… it was based on the idea that God loves me more than you,
and if I do what God wants, God will reward me… plain and simple…
No one ever went out and said, you
know what, God does love Romans, and Jews, and Greeks, and Samaritans, and
Women, and… and… and… And what God really wants from you is not obedience, it
is not national pride, it is love… go love each other, help each other, pray
for each other, heal each other, comfort each other, feed each other…
Now, we have heard this for a few
thousand years so we forget… I want you to just for a second, put yourself in
the mindset of someone who has been told their whole life that they are better
than everyone else and that God only loves them…
Can you see how interesting it
would be if all of a sudden this stranger did something nice for you? Or
someone from a different tribe or race all of a sudden helped you? You would
want to say, why did you do that? And they would tell you…. And it would make
you think!
The Banquet
So Peter is off cavorting with some
Romans… well, maybe he is preaching to them, and healing them, and baptizing
them… and he gets back to town and there is a session meeting; and the session says,
what are you doing? How could you even talk to those people? Don’t you know
what they have done?
But Peter has had a vision… he has
all of a sudden been able to see it from the other side… he gets what the
Romans are all about, why they are like they are, and, more importantly, he is
finally convinced that Jesus is right… God loves everyone.
Ever have this happen in your life?
I have… I have met someone who I find really annoying… I get angry at the way
they do things, I cannot understand why they would do it that way… all kinds of
things… and then all of a sudden something clicks… I start seeing it from their
point of view… and everything changes… I get it….
I don’t really know what the Romans
who were in Palestine thought, or the Greek traders that sailed the Mediterranean…
but I do know that they had never thought about things the way Peter and the
Gang were teaching… and the apostles had been hanging out with Jesus for so
long they just took this stuff for granted….
And not everyone was on the same
page… we see that in the fact that the other apostles are not really happy with
Sometimes it takes seeing things
differently… sometimes we have to be able to get outside of ourselves… there is
probably a lesson in here for us, eh?
Miramichi Presbytery meets on
Saturday. How many 30 year olds want to give up a Saturday off and leave their
kids and go to a day-long volunteer meeting? There is an example of the church
not seeing the world through someone else’s eyes…
And there are a ton of them…. Like a
million things we all do every day that we either take for granted or assume
that everyone sees just like us… but it simply is not true.
This Jesus guy came and changed
things so dramatically that it woke everyone up and made them pay attention. I
wonder what we would have to shake up to get the same reaction.
Blessing by The Buddha
May every creature
abound in well-being and peace.
May every living being, weak or strong, the long and the small
The short and the medium-sized, the mean and the great.
May every living being, seen or unseen, those dwelling far off,
Those nearby, those already born, those waiting to be born,
May all attain inward peace.
Let no one deceive another, Let no one despise another in any situation,
Let no one, from antipathy or hatred, wish evil to anyone at all.
Just as a mother, with her own life, protects her only son from hurt,
So within yourself foster a limitless concern for every living creature.
Display a heart of boundless love for all the world,
In all its height and depth and broad extent,
Love unrestrained, without hate or enmity.
Then as you stand or walk, sit or lie, until overcome by drowsiness,
Devote your mind entirely to this, it is known as living here life divine.
May every living being, weak or strong, the long and the small
The short and the medium-sized, the mean and the great.
May every living being, seen or unseen, those dwelling far off,
Those nearby, those already born, those waiting to be born,
May all attain inward peace.
Let no one deceive another, Let no one despise another in any situation,
Let no one, from antipathy or hatred, wish evil to anyone at all.
Just as a mother, with her own life, protects her only son from hurt,
So within yourself foster a limitless concern for every living creature.
Display a heart of boundless love for all the world,
In all its height and depth and broad extent,
Love unrestrained, without hate or enmity.
Then as you stand or walk, sit or lie, until overcome by drowsiness,
Devote your mind entirely to this, it is known as living here life divine.
Buddha Heart
Jesus lived at what has been called
the Golden Age of Religion. He was not alone, Buddha, Mohammed, Confucius, all
of them lived at a time when everything was changing… and they saw that God had
always been different than most people understood… that God was bigger than any
one nation, any one people… and that God wanted us to see the world from the
point of view of love, acceptance, and understanding.
Now, as I have said before… this is
not an easy path. Buddhist Monks give up everything, and go live in the ice
covered mountains of the Himalayas so that they can focus on this stuff and get
it right…
But it is the path we are all on.
We are the ones who are supposed to move beyond lies beyond hurt, and see everything
and everyone as loved by God.
The people in India, when Buddha
came out with these things, didn’t get it any more than the Romans… I want you
to know that… but there were still those who were surprised… who heard the
message and saw the followers and knew there was something different going on
There is something different about
us too…
So you want to know where we are?
We are that small group of people who believe in the message of Jesus. We are
the minority who think that God works through love and not through forceful power.
We are the ones who the world looks at and is surprised by.
But if we are truly going to live
out our role as followers of Jesus’ Way we do have to start realizing how different
our way of thinking is, and we have to start seeing the other people out there
for who they really are… they are not wrong, they are not the enemy, they are
loved by God for exactly who they are…
So what do we have to say to them?
How do they fit into our story? Where is our vision of the future leading us?
These are the questions we all need to explore.