Lightly upon Me!
There are these ancient words of
wisdom, rumour has it that it comes from the Natives who were here long before
us and who understood their connection to the world at a lot deeper level than
we do… they said that we are not living on the land, we are borrowing it from
our grandchildren.
I’ve always felt that that was an
incredibly wise way to look at it… of course, that is not
the way most of us do. If I was to discover oil in my backyard I would probably
sell it and move to Beverly Hills… My land would make me rich.
Well, maybe I am a better person
than that, but you see what I mean, we have, throughout history, mostly used
the land for our own benefit, often ignoring the damage we are doing because of
Now we are talking about shale gas
extraction without having any real idea what that will do to the water, the
soil, anything…
I think that all of this comes from
some very old beliefs. It comes from what we think our relationship to the land
is, and what we think God wants of us.
Remember, if you look at the King
James Bible Genesis as God telling Adam and Eve to go out and subdue the land,
to take it over, to bend it to their will… and that is pretty much what we have
gone for…
But are we forgetting about another
way of seeing things… what if it was less about ownership, and more about that
old concept of “stewardship”
Our friend Abraham has always been
known as the most faithful of all the Biblical heroes… you might remember he is
the one that always believed God’s promises, that always did what God asked
The idea was that Abraham and Sarah
wanted children… and as they got older and older they saw their dreams dying…
But if you remember, God told them
not to worry, that they would be taken care of, that their descendants would be
as numerous as the stars in heaven…
So, trusting, or perhaps even just
hoping, they set out to follow God. And eventually, God led them to the land of
Canaan… a land that later would be called the land of milk and honey… and told
Abraham, that all of this was his… all of this would be for him, for his
children, for his children’s children.
And he prospered. He became rich
and powerful and fathered millions, maybe trillions. But here is the thing.
Abraham knew that he had started with nothing, he knew that what he had was a
gift… and he saw it that way. He saw it as something that God had given to him;
and so, I imagine he approached things quite differently.
What would you do with the day if
you got up and thought it was a gift? What would you do with the garden in your
back yard if you truly believed that God had blessed you with fertile land? How
would you look at the trees out the window if you thought God had painted them
just for you?
Have you ever been to a park or campground that had a sign that said “Take
nothing but pictures… Leave nothing but footprints.”
I think that is the same sort of attitude I am talking about… I am
talking about how as stewards, as caretakers, we are meant to walk lightly on
the earth… another good native saying. It is not “ours” but we are a part of
it, and as such we are supposed to love it, take care of it, enjoy it, use it,
preserve it, and see it as a gift.
Here is another image for you to think of… when Moses went up the
mountain and turned aside to see the burning bush, he heard a voice in his head
that said, “take off your shoes, for this is holy ground.”
In that moment was the recognition that there was some sacred
connection, something holy about the actual dirt beneath his feet, and he
needed to be connected, to honour it, to embrace it…
I have always found our Matthew reading today to be one of the most
powerful readings in the bible. I know not everyone sees it as the cornerstone
of their living and faith… but for me, it is the best advice Jesus ever gave….
I am always worrying, and I am rarely trusting that things will work out
right. I try to plan, I try to manipulate, I try to ensure that things work
out… And in the midst of that, I am certainly not seeing life, or the world
around me as a gift…
But what if I relaxed? What if I asked myself, what is it like to be a
flower, what is it like to just trust that the world will have sunshine and
rain, good times and bad?
The thing about the rest of creation, from the mosquito to the Blue
Whale, is that they pretty much just live… they don’t try to manipulate the
world around them, they do not use more than they need, they do not worry… they
trust… and what they find is that they have enough.
Here is another interesting thing about the Abraham story… when the
burden on the land became too much… he just said to Lot, take what you want,
you choose first, I’ll be ok. That attitude was certainly part of what led to
him having everything he needed…
David Suzuki had this program in
the spring. He suggested that Canadians really need to get back to nature, and
so we should try, no matter how difficult, to spend half an hour outside every
day for ten weeks.
I don’t know if any of you did
this, but it was quite amazing how it made me feel. I love being outside
anyway, but there are certainly days when I do not take the time to enjoy it…
by saying I “had” to be outside, I looked around more, I took more walks, I sat
on my deck and enjoyed the breeze….
The scientific studies showed that
if you spent a half an hour outside you would have lower blood pressure, you
would have less stress, you would sleep better… it is almost a miracle cure….
But I think there is something
deeper going on than just standing outside. If you are intentionally spending
that time out of doors, you are starting to get back to the feelings Abraham
had, you are getting closer to living the way Jesus was suggesting, you are
seeing the world, and consequently, life, as a gift.
And when you do that, when you
start to see it as a place of beauty and wonder, as a place that supports not
just your, but countless life, when you start to understand that we are part of
something bigger, you treat it differently.
In that moment, you start to walk
lighter and you start to see why we should be preserving things for our
So what would it take? How can we
really get back to feeling like Abraham and trusting God, how can we follow
Jesus advice and let go of the worries? How can we be at peace in the world and
see it all as a gift from God?
Maybe it begins by just
experiencing… by being able to see it a little differently, by being captivated
in the beauty, by just enjoying.
We know there is wisdom in the
world out there, we know that there is beauty. But do we know that there is
responsibility? I guess that is where we come down to after four weeks of
listening for the voice of creation.
We are responsible to see it as
gift, we are responsible to understand the world around us as fragile, we are
responsible as stewards to take care of it all for God.
One of the first short stories I
read in High School English was Ray Bradbury’s The Sound of Thunder it gave me an appreciation for the power and
elegance of not only language, but of science fiction, which tries to warn us
of how the world could be…
To over simplify the story, someone
goes back in time and steps on a butterfly… when they get back to their time,
everything has changed. One small act… one huge result.
Scientists have said pretty much
the same thing… that a butterfly flapping their wings in china can change the
weather in the Miramichi… we are all connected, we are all in a relationship,
creation is one huge web of life where we find ourselves having the power of
life and death.
So how are you going to see it?