Monday, December 13, 2010


People have asked me how the multiple stage sermon fits into a service. It varies from week to week a little, as we try to balance music, spoken word and reflective space... but just to give people an insight, this is last weeks bulletin:

Advent 3 December 12, 2010

Carol Sing:

Welcome and Announcements:
This is a reminder that there is coffee and conversation every Sunday after the service of worship. Everyone welcome.

Gathered in the Spirit

Call to Worship: Please see the back of the bulletin

*Hymn: O Come All Ye Faithful #60

Introduction of Theme:

Gathering Prayer: Please see the back of the bulletin

Hebrew Scripture: Isaiah 35:1-10 reader: Cathy Elderkin
The desert blooms and rejoices.


Lighting of Advent Candle: readers: Ina Freeman

After 3rd Advent candle is lit:

…our hearts shining bright on the coldest, darkest winter day.
All: God, you know that we do not always feel happy. Sometimes we feel sad. Sometimes we are worried. Sometimes we feel lonely. Touch us with your strong and joyful Spirit, we pray, so that laughter, warmth, and delight may fill our hearts and souls. Help your joy run deeper than all our sorrow as we know your gifts of new life today and always. In the name of Jesus, joy to the world. Amen.

Written by Jane Doull, while at Three Harbours PC, Wallace, NS. Gathering, Advent/Christmas/Epiphany 2010-2011, page 51-52. Used with permission.

After Candles are lit and the litanies are read please sing together (to the tune of Silent Night # 67):

Candle light, sacred light,
Mystery flames, burning bright,
We are waiting for Jesus’ new birth.
Shine his joy over all of the earth.
Thanks for the gift of joy, thanks for the gift of joy.

Written by Catherine MacDonald, United Memorial Church, Halifax, NS. Gathering, Advent/Christmas/Epiphany 2010-2011, page 84. Used with permission.

Listening for God’s Word

Congregational Response: Luke 1:47-55 (Refrain 1) #898
Mary’s song of Justice.

Second Scripture Reading: James 5:7-10
Wait patiently for the coming of the Lord.

*Hymn: The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy #73


Gift of Music: Gesu Bambino (The Infant Jesus) Senior Choir

Our Response

Minute for Missions: Janet Skinner

Offertory Invitation:

Offertory: Building a Snow Fort Craig & Hannah Townsend

*Presentation of Our Gifts: To the tune of Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow

Joyful is how we seek to live, Joyful is what we each can give, #541
Joyful in what we speak and hear, And joy in what we offer here.

*Offertory Prayer:

Gospel: Matthew 11:2-11
John’s disciples visit Jesus.


*Hymn: Good Christian Friends, Rejoice #35

*Commissioning & Benediction:


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